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How to fix chart Legends width-height with overflow scroll in ChartJS

I want to create pie chart for my project, so I am using ChartJS for it, but there are some issues with chartJS, If I am work with 10 to 20 data-field that time chart is looks good, But when I am apply more than 50 to 60 data-field in one chart, So that chart is looks smaller instead of legends, and If sometimes data-field is too much than the chart is hide, you can see only legends, chart is gone.

I want to set height or width to that legends and also apply to scrollbar if there is more data.

Here is the fiddle link for your reference

enter image description here

<canvas id="myChart" width="500" height="300"></canvas>

var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
    var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
      type: 'pie',
      data: {
        labels: ["lable_1", "lable_2", "lable_3", "lable_4", "lable_5", "lable_6", "lable_7", "lable_8", "lable_9", "lable_10", "lable_11", "lable_12", "lable_13", "lable_14", "lable_15", "lable_16", "lable_17", "lable_18", "lable_19", "lable_20", "lable_21", "lable_22", "lable_23", "lable_24", "lable_25", "lable_26", "lable_27", "lable_28", "lable_29", "lable_30", "lable_31", "lable_32", "lable_33", "lable_34", "lable_35", "lable_36", "lable_37", "lable_38", "lable_39", "lable_40", "lable_41", "lable_42", "lable_43", "lable_44", "lable_45", "lable_46", "lable_47", "lable_48", "lable_49", "lable_50"],
        datasets: [{
          backgroundColor: ["#2ecc71","#3498db","#95a5a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40f","#e74c3c","#34495e","#2ecc71","#3498db","#9a5a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40f","#e74c3c","#34495e","#2ecc71","#3498db","#95a5a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40","#e74c3c","#34495e","#2ecc71","#3498db","#95a5a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40f","#e74c3c","#34495e","#2ecc71","#3498db","#95a5a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40f","#e74c3c","#34495e","#2ecc71","#3498db","#955a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40f","#e74c3c","#34495e","#2ecc71","#3498db","#95a5a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40f,"#e74c3c","#34495e","#2ecc71","#3498db","#95a5a6","#9b59b6","#f1c40f","#e74c3c","#34495e"
          data: [74, 22, 77, 19, 72, 17, 55, 14, 64, 93, 99, 58, 6, 13, 31, 61, 19, 97, 25, 94, 50, 83, 3, 15, 54, 19, 60, 41, 37, 27, 51, 21, 36, 69, 80, 20, 64, 74, 79, 48, 66, 1, 94, 57, 5, 18, 83, 41, 64, 48]


  • You can try one thing

    Try to separate the legend into an different div. now you have full control of the div you can use custom placement and css of your own consider the following code :

     <div id="js-legend" class="chart-legend"></div>
     document.getElementById('js-legend').innerHTML = myChart.generateLegend();

    For reference see this FIDDLE

    For handling legend interactive you need to extend the callback function and manipulate like this :

    $("#js-legend > ul > li").on("click",function(e){
            var index = $(this).index();
            var ci = e.view.myChart;
            var curr =[0]._meta[0].data[index];
            curr.hidden = !curr.hidden

    For Legend in action see this FIDDLE

    Explanation :

    I binded chart to window so that event view can get it, and later by the index manipulated the data and updated runtime used few css tricks to illustrate the strike effect.