I am using NgMap to display google map and I need the ability to change center position from varios parts of site. I have markerService for that:
.factory('MarkerService', MarkerService);
MarkerService.$inject = [];
function MarkerService(){
var coords = [
var markers = [];
return {
setCoords: setCoords,
getCoords: getCoords,
setMarkers: setMarkers,
getMarkers: getMarkers,
function setCoords(a){
coords = a;
function getCoords{
return coords;
function setMarkers(a){
markers= a;
function getMarkers(){
return markers;
Then I have component map, that uses NgMap:
.component('mapComponent', {
templateUrl: 'app/mapComponent/map.html',
controller: mapController
mapController.$inject = ['NgMap', 'MarkerService'];
function mapController(NgMap, MarkerService){
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.markers = MarkerService.getMarkers();
ctrl.center = MarkerService.getCoords();
and template:
<div class="map_wrapper">
<ng-map default-style="false"
<marker ng-repeat="m in $ctrl.markers" position="{{m.lat}},{{m.lng}}" on-click="$ctrl.openModal()"></marker>
If I change markers array using MarkerService.setMarkers([...])
the markers on map are updated because ng-repeat sets watcher but changing coords with MarkerService.setCords([...])
does not change center of map because there is no watcher.
I tried using ng-bind center="ng-bind='$ctrl.center'"
but logically it did not work. I am sure that I have to set watcher from components controller, but I fail to do that whatever I try.
Did some serious investigation and bumped into some weird behavior.
does not return an instance of coords but value. If I make changes to coords using MarkerService.setCoords(//some value)
it is not reflected in variable that previously was declared var ctrl.center=MarkerService.getCoords();
but if I call getter again, I get updated value.
It is strange because I have been using this getter and setter approach a lot before and always rely on fact that getter would return an instance of variable.
If you want to set a watcher you have to use $scope
To do that, you need to inject it in your controller:
MarkerService.$inject = ['$scope'];
And then add your watcher:
function MarkerService($scope){
But the problem you have doesn't seem to come from here, I think you are setting the coordinates on the wrong object, that is why your map is not updated.
Do you do it like this ?:
ctrl.center = MarkerService.getCoords();