I know there are several posts on this, but my question is different.
Following the Mozilla developer guide for getUserMedia, I can see that using: navigator.getUserMedia()
is deprecated:
New code should use Navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() instead.
However, using Chrome (current version 57), navigator.getUserMedia()
works great, while using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia()
throws an error:
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(...) is not a function
I am using HTTPS with Chrome.
Is it really deprecated? Am I missing something?
Chrome does support navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
API since version 53.
From the discussion we had in comments, we were able to determine that this was caused by a browser plugin you have installed on your chrome, namely Cisco Webex.
This video-conference plugin might modify the default navigator.mediaDevices
which is wrong ! You should probably write to them about this issue.
By disabling this plugin you'll be able to retrieve the original and well supported method in your chrome browser.