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Check if Dom Element is Native / no Custom Element

Is there a way to check whether a Dom Element is a Native Element or a (not resolved) Custom Element without checking all Native tagNames in Javascript?

I Already thought of checking on element.constructor === HTMLElement but the <main> (documentation) tag has that as it's top level class.

Basically I need a faster and less maintenance intensive way of checking for a native element.


  • So after the comment of Supersharp I found out that all custom elements tagName or the is attribute must contain a hyphen and native elements never do, so the best way to figure that out is to use this function:

    function isCustomElement(element){
        if(element.tagName.indexOf("-") !== -1) {
            return true;
        let isAttribute = element.getAttribute("is");
        if(isAttribute === null) {
            return false;
        return isAttribute.indexOf("-") !== -1;

    Simple as that.

    The W3C Standard documentation:

    They contain a hyphen, used for namespacing and to ensure forward compatibility (since no elements will be added to HTML, SVG, or MathML with hyphen-containing local names in the future).