I have a variable that has a blog post with html characters in it. The content would look something like this.
I output content from a query to the page.
I would like to know how to insert a photo after the second paragraph.
<img src="someimage.jpg">
I am not against using jquery. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A simple solution to your problem is to find the position of the second paragraph end tag /p>
then insert your image at that position with string concatenation.
<cfset myimg = "<div><img src='someimage.jpg'></div>" />
<cfset mycontent = '#queryvar.myvar#' />
<cfset firstMatch = find("/p>", mycontent, 0) />
<cfif firstMatch gt 0 >
<cfset secondMatch = find("/p>", mycontent, firstMatch + 1) />
<cfset secondMatch = 0 />
<cfif secondMatch gt 0 >
<cfset mycontent = left(mycontent, secondMatch + 3)
& myimg
& right(mycontent, (len(mycontent) - (secondMatch + 3))) />