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Java Changing Characters into 2D Graphics

I open a text file which contains a maze, that consists of # and spaces. Where a hash tag represents a "wall" and the spaces are the area that you can move through.

Currently I have opened the file and stored everything in a 2d array so that the console prints out in the exact format as the text file.

My next stage that I am trying to accomplish is, if the char is a hash tag, fill the rectangle with a dark grey, if its a space fill it with white. At the moment for some reason the maze is showing up but appearing really small.

I don't know if I took the right approach but I am trying to modify the method I have rather than creating another method.

Essentially I want to fill up that whole 600x400 with my maze rather than it being so small. I thought setting the size of the rectangle would achieve this.

What I am trying is:

public static void mazeFrame() {
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Maze");
    f.setSize(400, 600);
    f.add(new Exercise4());

// ...

    int i = 0; //y axis

    if (c == '#') {
        cells[i][j] = true;
        g.drawRect(j,i, 50,50);
    } else {
        cells[i][j] = false;
        g.drawRect(j,i, 50,50);


But my output is

enter image description here


  • You are not scaling your maze.

     g.drawRect(j,i, 50,50);

    The values for j and i both start at 0 and are incremented by one.
    As a consequence, your 50x50 blocks overlap.

    If you'd add a scale factor, your maze would be bigger:

     g.drawRect(xScale * j, yScale * i, 50,50);

    Since you intend to use 50x50 blocks, the right value for xScale and yScale would be 50. You could go on from there and use:

     g.drawRect(xScale * j, yScale * i, xScale, yScale);

    Once you've got that working, you should look into the AffineTransform class, which will allow you a lot more options. But that's for later.