I am working with OpenCV in java, but I don't understand part of a class that loads pictures in java:
public class ImageProcessor {
public BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Mat matrix){
int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY;
if ( matrix.channels() > 1 ) {
type = BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR;
int bufferSize = matrix.channels()*matrix.cols()*matrix.rows();
byte [] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
matrix.get(0,0,buffer); // get all the pixels
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(matrix.cols(),matrix.rows(),type);
final byte[] targetPixels = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, targetPixels, 0, buffer.length);
return image;
Main class sends a Mat
object to this class.
The result sends BufferedImage
but I don't understand targetPixels because this class doesn't use it somewhere else. But whenever I comment targetPixels and System.arraycopy, result shows black picture.
I want to know what's targetPixels
- and what does it do?
The point is less about that array, but the methods that get you there.
You start here: getRaster(). That is supposed to return a WritableRaster ... and so on.
That class is using from getDataBuffer() from the Raster class; and there we find:
A class representing a rectangular array of pixels. A Raster encapsulates a DataBuffer that stores the sample values and a SampleModel that describes how to locate a given sample value in a DataBuffer.
What happens in essence here: that Image object, in the end has an array of bytes that are supposed to contain certain information.
That assignment:
final byte[] targetPixels = ...
retrieves a reference to that internal data; and then arrayCopy()
is used to copy data into that array.
For the record: that doesn't look like a good approach - as it only works when this copy action really affects the internals of that Image object. But what if that last call getData()
would create a copy of the internal data?
In other words: this code tries to gain direct access to internal data of some object; and then manipulate that internal data.
Even if that works today, it is not robust; and might break easily in the future. The other thing: note that this code does a unconditional cast (DataBufferByte)
. That code throws a RuntimeException if the the buffer doesn't have exactly that type.
Probably that is "all fine"; since it is all related to "AWT" classes which probably exist for ages; and will not change at all any more. But as said; this code has various potential issues.