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Not able to load CSV file in weka

I am not being able to load csv file using weka, I have removed each and every special symbol even using text editor, still no luck. I am attaching the file, I will be obliged if solve this problem.

It shows "Wrong number of values, Read 31, expected 27, read token[EOL], line 3"

link :


  • You have planty of empty fields in your file and if you download it as .csv even the header gets three commas at its end. e.g. your 6th line:

    ,Doug Walker,,,131,,Rob Walker,131,,Documentary,Doug Walker,Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens  ,8,143,,0,,,,,,,,,12,7.1,,0,,,

    Simmilar to the suggestion in this post you could try like notepad++ or another text editor to replace ",," by ",?," to fill up your gaps.

    Convert NA values to ? automatically while loading

    I did this and then you get in your first row two question marks as column names wich obviously doesnt work, so change the first row to look like this:


    if you try now to import your data weka starts telling you which lines it doesn't like and why. Btw. you did not "removed each and every special symbol"! After removing a fiew lines with e.g. the Ç character it worked.

    Thats just an ugly workaround, try filling the empty values and find a regular expression or a better way to save your file to remove the last three commas of every line, i was just too lazy for now. But i could load it into weka and that's what you wanted (: