I am running a cluster with 1 datacenter (10 nodes) and Cassandra 2.1.7 installed on each. We are using SimpleStretegy (old mistake).
The situation is, I have not run any nodetool repair since begining, and now there is data of about 200 GB with 3 RF.
As running full repair or incremental repair is same at this point. So I have tried to run full repair. But this result in coordinator node down.
So I end up running full partition ranges repair (nodetool repair -pr) on each node one at a time. But this is taking way too much time (15+ hrs for each node, hence weeks for all nodes).
Am I doing this wrong, or this is supposed to happen? Or this is a version problem?
In future, if I run full repair again after finishing this, would this take weeks as well?
Since full repair is mainly affected by data size, it should take same amount of time.
I suggest moving to incremental repairs, this should save your time and resources.
Here's a article about how to do this in 2.1: https://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/operations/opsRepairNodesMigration.html