I need to fire events from some ejb (Stateless and Singleton) using dependency injection. I do not use Spring, Guice etc. The problem is that I get NPE in one of beans when calling its method through getInstance(). Here is the code snippet:
public class ControllerStartStop {
private Event<SomeWebMessage> webEvent;
public String startCircle(String passwordP, String passwordH) {
String res = "some msg";
webEvent.fire(new SomeWebMessage(res, 0)); // this works fine
MainDay.getInstance().startDay(); // NullPointerException
Here is MainDay singleton:
public class MainDay {
private static final MainDay mDay = new MainDay();
public static MainDay getInstance() { return mDay ; }
private Event<SomeWebMessage> webEvent;
public void startDay() {
String s = new String("MainDay");
webEvent.fire(new SomeWebMessage(s,0)); // NullPointerException
beans.xml is in META-INF:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"
version="1.1" bean-discovery-mode="all">
There is no NPE when I fire event from a call of static method like MainDay.initDS() or when method startDay() is invoked by a Sheduler (@Schedule(hour = "", minute = "", second = "/10")*. I have no idea what is the reason
Note that @Singleton
means that the container (EJB or CDI, depends on which annotation it is) will manage the instance, i.e. you shouldn't create it yourself.
If you create the instance via private static final MainDay mDay = new MainDay();
there won't be any injection by the container and thus webEvent
will be null. Besides that the container won't know about that instance and using @Inject MainDay
somewhere else is very likely to produce another instance.
Thus just use inject (or lookups if you need to) directly:
class ControllerStartStop {
private MainDay mDay;
public String startCircle(String passwordP, String passwordH) {
String res = "some msg";
webEvent.fire(new SomeWebMessage(res, 0));
There is no NPE when I fire event from a call of static method like MainDay.initDS() or when method startDay() is invoked by a Sheduler (@Schedule(hour = "", minute = "", second = "/10")*. I have no idea what is the reason
Without knowing your code it's only a guess but I'd assume you're injecting MainDay
here or using a CDI/JNDI lookup. Hence the container will create an instance if there is none and will inject the Event