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How to change the printed qweb filename

How to change the printed qweb filename depends on the source document field name? Im in the model stock.picking

So when i click the print -> Delivery note, then the qweb will be printed, but te filename will be depends on the Source document field. Here i present the picture that explain what i mean.



  • You can give dynamic report name using configuration, but it will apply when you print one report.

    Below is the example to Print custom name in report.Create one field in, in which user can configure report name.

    from openerp import models, fields
    class IrActionsReportXml(models.Model):
        _inherit = ''
        download_filename = fields.Char(
            'Download filename')

    Now you need to create two files.

    1. Report Controller

      from openerp import http
      from openerp.addons.mail.models import mail_template
      from import ReportController
      from openerp.addons.web.controllers.main import content_disposition
      class ReportController(ReportController):
          def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data):
              response = super(ReportController, self).report_routes(
                  reportname, docids=docids, converter=converter, **data)
              if docids:
                  docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')]
              report_xml = http.request.session.model('')
              report_ids =
                  [('report_name', '=', reportname)])
              for report in report_xml.browse(report_ids):
                  if not report.download_filename:
                  objects = http.request.session.model(report.model)\
                      .browse(docids or [])
                  generated_filename = mail_template.mako_template_env\
                          'objects': objects,
                          'o': objects[:1],
                          'object': objects[:1],
                          'ext': report.report_type.replace('qweb-', ''),
                  response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = content_disposition(
              return response
          def report_download(self, data, token):
              response = super(ReportController, self).report_download(data, token)
              # if we got another content disposition before, ditch the one added
              # by super()
              last_index = None
              for i in range(len(response.headers) - 1, -1, -1):
                  if response.headers[i][0] == 'Content-Disposition':
                      if last_index:
                      last_index = i
              return response

        import json
        from openerp import http
        from openerp.addons.web.controllers import main
        from openerp.addons.mail.models import mail_template
        class Reports(main.Reports):
            @http.route('/web/report', type='http', auth="user")
            def index(self, action, token):
                result = super(Reports, self).index(action, token)
                action = json.loads(action)
                context = dict(http.request.context)
                report_xml = http.request.env['']
                reports =[
                    ('report_name', '=', action['report_name']),
                    ('download_filename', '!=', False)])
                for report in reports:
                    objects = http.request.session.model(context['active_model'])\
                    generated_filename = mail_template.mako_template_env\
                            'objects': objects,
                            'o': objects[0],
                            'object': objects[0],
                    result.headers['Content-Disposition'] = main.content_disposition(
                return result

    Odoo community Providing us a default module for report custom name. you can directly install this module and set report name like : ${}

    Here o means your record.

    Below is a link of odoo community module.

    This may help you.