This is the way how I get manually instance of cdi bean:
Bean<?> bean = (Bean<?>)beanManager.resolve(beanManager.getBeans(Foo.class));
Foo foo=(Foo) beanManager.getReference(bean, bean.getBeanClass(), beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean));
if I declare Foo class this way:
public class Foo{
everything works. However, if I declare class Foo this way
public class Foo<T>{
cdi container can't create cdi bean. How can I get manually cdi bean of class declared with generics (Foo)?
What you are looking for is probably javax.enterprise.util.TypeLiteral
It is a utility class allowing you to specify a (bean) type along with the type variable. It then allows to retrieve the raw type as well as the actual type parameter inside. Here is a code snippet:
// define the type you want
TypeLiteral<Foo<Bar>> typeLiteral = new TypeLiteral<Foo<Bar>>() {};
// now search for beans; note that getBeans allows to specify Annotations as well!
Set<Bean<?>> beans = beanManager.getBeans(typeLiteral.getType());
// and apply resolution - you should get the one you want here
Bean<?> bean = beanManager.resolve(beans);