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How to centralize all IIS-centric data to a shared network drive?

I have an azure windows VM with IIS with a shared network drive attached to it. Now I add another VM combined with a load balancer, but to prevent having to maintain IIS in 2 VM's, I thought about moving the IIS settings to my shared drive (which is already used for data storage for my webapps).

How can I do this? I have similar issues for windows taskscheduler, is there a way to move these settings to different (shared) locations?


  • is there a way to move these settings to different (shared) locations

    Do you mean two VMs use the one configure file? yes, this same as on-prem, we can mount the shared network drive to two VMs, and delegating configuration sections from server-level configuration files to Web.config files in your sites, applications, and virtual or physical directories.

    More information about IIS configuration files, please refer to this link.