I have a problem where Vaadin does not update the display of a GridLayout in time. The GridLayout is a component in a VerticalLayout, that I use to list all uploaded files. When I upload a file everything works fine on the server-side but the client does not see the change until he creates a new request to the server (by uploading another file or triggering some other event / rarely the update works fine though).
Here is the component that contains the problematic GridLayout:
public class ListedMultiFileUpload extends VerticalLayout {
private MultiFileUpload multiFileUpload;
private GridLayout fileList;
public ListedMultiFileUpload(UploadFinishedHandler uploadFinishedHandler, UploadStateWindow uploadStateWindow) {
multiFileUpload = new MultiFileUpload(uploadFinishedHandler, uploadStateWindow);
fileList = new GridLayout(2, 5);
addComponents(multiFileUpload, fileList);
public SmartMultiUpload getSmartUpload() {
return multiFileUpload.getSmartUpload();
public void addFile(String fileName, final Runnable fileRemover) {
final Label label = new Label(fileName);
final Button button = new Button("X");
button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
I already tried setting the GridLayout to immediate as well as marking the whole component as dirty but nothing seems to make a difference.
So basically am I doing something wrong here? Or if not, is there a "nice" way I could force the client to update its components?
As proposed by @Morfic I enabled the Server-Push addon in automatic mode and now the required updates to the client are made by that addon. Not sure how much I like that solution but it works.