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Add a Security Header into SOAP Webservice in Xamarin.Forms

I'am trying to get data from a SOAP Webservice. I was able to get data from a test service. Simply like this:

var service = new CurrencyConvertor();
var f = service.ConversionRate(Currency.EUR, Currency.USD);

I added the service as 'Web Reference' into the Droid-Project - used it with proxy classes.

Now I am stuck with a new web service. The problem is: I need to provide a Security-Header and I really can't get it working with Xamarin. Already tried to use in the PCL, but there I cant add the Header too.


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
        <Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">
          <wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu="" xmlns:wsse="">
            <wsse:Password Type="">Password</wsse:Password>

The request works in SoapUI.


  • Solved it by creating a second wcf-service, that consumes the one above. In the new one I use in-code authentification and then call the one with the security-header. Only solution that worked for me.