I have 2 files: Node.h, Node.cpp,
In Node.h, I create the prototype for the Node class. In the prototype I create a string array 'name'. In the Node.cpp class, I tried to use a function that gives 'name' a value, but i keep getting undeclared identifier even though i identified 'name' in Node.h
#include "iostream"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
template<class T>
class Node{
char name[256];
bool useable;
Node(const T& item, Node<T>* ptrnext = NULL);
T data;
//Access to next Node
Node<T>* nextNode();
//List modification
void insertAfter(Node<T>* p);
Node<T>* deleteAfter();
Node<T>* getNode(const T& item, Node<T>* nextptr = NULL);
//Data Retrieval
char *getName();
void *setName(char[]);
bool isUsable();
#include "Node.h"
//Default Constructor
template<class T>
//This constructor sets the next pointer of a node and the data contained in that node
template<class T>
Node<T>::Node(const T& item,Node<T>* ptrnext){
this->data = item;
this->next = ptrnext;
//This method inserts a node after the current node
template<class T>
void Node<T>::insertAfter(Node<T> *p){
//Links the rest of list to the Node<T>* p
p->next = this->next;
//Links the previous node to this one
this-> next = p;
//This method deletes the current node from the list then returns it.
template<class T>
Node<T> * Node<T>::deleteAfter(){
Node<T>* temp = next;
if(next !=NULL){
next = next->next;
return temp;
template<class T>
Node<T> * getNode(const T& item, Node<T>* nextptr = NULL){
Node<T>* newnode; //Local pointer for new node
newNode = new Node<T>(item,nextptr);
if (newNode == NULL){
printf("Error Allocating Memory");
return newNode;
void setName(char input[256]){
I see three things immediately wrong with the following code.
void setName(char input[256]){
You did not provide the class name. This is therefore declaring a static function, and not a class member. You also forgot to do this on your getNode
You left out the template statement.
You put a template implementation in a cpp file. Be aware that you cannot compile the cpp file as an object -- it must be included in a header, or you can ditch the file altogether and move your implementation into your header.