thanks for taking a look at this. I'm new to Unity and struggling to understand how to fix this error.
Assets/Watson/Scripts/Logging/Logger.cs(115,53): error CS0311: The type IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Logging.LogSystem' cannot be used as type parameter T in the generic type or method Singleton. There is no implicit reference conversion from IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Logging.LogSystem' to `UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
This is the line causing the error:
public static LogSystem Instance { get { return Singleton<LogSystem>.Instance; } }
And this is it in context:
/// <summary>
/// This singleton class maintains the of list of installed reactors and handles all LogRecord
/// objects. See the static class Log for functions the end user of this system should actually
/// be calling. This class is thread safe.
/// </summary>
public class LogSystem
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// Returns the singleton instance of the Logger object.
/// </summary>
**public static LogSystem Instance { get { return Singleton<LogSystem>.Instance; } }**
#region Private Data
private static bool sm_bInstalledDefaultReactors = false;
List<ILogReactor> m_Reactors = new List<ILogReactor>();
#region Public Functions
public static List<ILogReactor> ReactorsInstalled
return LogSystem.Instance.m_Reactors;
/// <summary>
/// Install a default debug and file reactor.
/// </summary>
public static void InstallDefaultReactors(int logHistory = 2, LogLevel logLevelFileReactor = LogLevel.STATUS)
if (!sm_bInstalledDefaultReactors)
// install the default reactors...
sm_bInstalledDefaultReactors = true;
LogSystem.Instance.InstallReactor(new DebugReactor());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Constants.Path.LOG_FOLDER) && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + Constants.Path.LOG_FOLDER))
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath + Constants.Path.LOG_FOLDER);
LogSystem.Instance.InstallReactor(new FileReactor(Application.persistentDataPath + Constants.Path.LOG_FOLDER + "/" + Application.productName + ".log", logLevelFileReactor, logHistory));
Application.logMessageReceived += UnityLogCallback;
static void UnityLogCallback(string condition, string stacktrace, LogType type)
if (type == LogType.Exception)
Log.Critical("Unity", "Unity Exception {0} : {1}", condition, stacktrace);
/// <summary>
/// Installs a reactor into this Logger.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reactor">The reactor object.</param>
public void InstallReactor(ILogReactor reactor)
lock (m_Reactors)
// set our default reactor flag to true if the user installs their own reactors.
sm_bInstalledDefaultReactors = true;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a reactor from this Logger.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reactor">The reactor to remove.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true on success.</returns>
public bool RemoveReactor(ILogReactor reactor)
lock (m_Reactors)
return m_Reactors.Remove(reactor);
/// <summary>
/// Send the given LogRecord to all installed reactors.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="log">The LogRecord to pass to all reactors.</param>
public void ProcessLog(LogRecord log)
lock (m_Reactors)
foreach (var reactor in m_Reactors)
public static LogSystem Instance
return instance;
private static LogSystem instance;
// Ctor of the class
public LogSystem()
if(instance == null) { instance = this;}
This is a very basic singleton pattern implementation. You can find more advanced ones online.