I'm attempting to disable certain dates in the Bootstrap Date Time Picker by eonasdan found here.
I'm able to manually add an array of dates that then become disabled but I can't figure out how to add an array created dynamically into this option.
Here is my code:
noDates = ['31/03/2017', '19/04/2017', '20/04/2017', '25/04/2017'];
// Just for testing
// Studio 1 datepicker
// Date format
format: "DD/MM/YYYY",
// Show calendar when user clicks input field
allowInputToggle: true,
// Minimum date is today's date
minDate: new Date(),
// Disabled Dates
disabledDates: noDates
Where it says disabledDates: noDates
I am able to manually write out the dates like so:
disabledDates: [
I have also attempted the following:
However, that gives me the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'disabledDates' of undefined
Is there a way to add variables/arrays into objects like this?
The problem is with your dates, more specific the format:
var noDates = ['31/03/2017', '19/04/2017', '20/04/2017', '25/04/2017'];
var noDates = ['2017-03-31', '2017-04-19', '2017-04-20', '2017-04-25'];