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Deploying to heroku successful but application not appearing

I created a simple Java (maven) web application (WAR). On local Tomcat all works fine, however when I try to deploy to HEROKU the application does not show up (I get error instead on the home page of the app. I run this command

heroku war:deploy myapp-ws-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war --app myapp-ws

and all actions are successful enter image description here

the only parameter that I need on Heroku for my app to run is spring profile and I added it this way.

heroku config:set"true"

I'm very new to heroku, but did anyone in the past deploy a war to heroku successfuly? I cannot find the problem, no error appears apart from the home page saying application Application Error. Any other information I should include here?


  • Ok, I got it working, first I was able to check logs:

    heroku logs --tail --app myapp-ws

    then I found out that you have to add one instance because at start there are zero

    heroku ps:scale web=1

    and finally I added my arguments in this way

    heroku config:set WEBAPP_RUNNER_OPTS="" --app myapp-ws