I've got some Problems while preparing an Application for the release on production systems.
The situation:
What i'm trying to do:
What I tried:
Using the MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion initializer => This one fails since there is no __MigrationHistory table in the prepared, but empty database
Using the CreateDatabaseIfNotExists initializer => This one fails, since the database is already existing, whicht leeds this initializer to do ... nothing
Writing my own IDbInitializer with the following InitializeDatabase-method:
public void InitializeDatabase(RapasiDbContext context)
if (!context.Database.Exists()) //Shouldn't happen
... // Throw Execption: No prepared DB found
try //Initialize the existing database, but only if not already done (force:false)
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Fatal("Error while initializing the database", ex);
try //Update the databse, if model is outdated
var dbMigrationConfig = new Configuration();
if (dbMigrationConfig.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled && !context.Database.CompatibleWithModel(true))
Log.Info("database schame outdated, starting migration!");
var migrator = new DbMigrator(dbMigrationConfig);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Fatal("Error while migrating the database", ex);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Fatal("No Migration-Histroy found!", ex);
The problem(s)
The question:
How is it possible, to initialize an exsiting database with the InitialCommit-Up() script from my migrations?
Or am I missing some really obvious point, why this kind of DB initialization is not meant to happen? Are there any best practices for my situation I just don't know?
initializer should work, even if there is no __MigrationHistory
table. It is supposed to be created when the migrations are run for the first time.
As you say in your comment in the original question, you need to provide the right values for the constructor parameters of MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion
when calling SetInitializer
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<RapasiDbContext, Configuration>(true, new Configuration()));
As the reference page says, the boolean parameter in the constructor specifies whether to use the connection information from the context that triggered initialization to perform the migration. If this parameter is missing the connection information will be obtained from a context constructed using the default constructor or registered factory (this may not be what you need).
Also, I think you may be interpreting the AutomaticMigrations configuration incorrectly. It does not mean that your migrations will be APPLIED automatically, it means they will be GENERATED automatically if you didn't manually run Add-Migration after your model changed. I guess you want your pending migrations to be executed when your database is not up to date, even if AutomaticMigrations are disabled.