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Mapping Oracle UDT using c# without stored procedure

I am required to map an Oracle Object type in my c# application. There are tons of examples online, both here and other sites/blogs, but all of them include using a stored procedure, which I shouldn't do.

I have been searching for the past two days and the closest I got was an article on, but it is without an example.

Can anyone, please, give an example of how this could be achieved?

I am using Oracle.DataAccess class for communication with my database and a simple UDT given below:

create or replace 
  MyNumber NUMBER(13)


  • If you want to execute PL/SQL you can do something like the following. This is mighty enough to tear the world domination itself. Almost.

    Note, this is not tested, as I do not have a Oracle DB here. However I am using this approach in one of my current projects.

    cmd = New OracleCommand("declare " +
              "    lSomeVarchar2 varchar2(255); " +
              "    lSomeNumber number; " +
              "    lSomeLong long; " +
              "begin " +
              "  loop " +
              "  --do something fancy here  " +
              "  end loop; " +
              "  --you can pass variables from outside: " +
              " :parameterNumber:= lSomeNumber ; " +
              " :parameterVarChar := lSomeLong; " +
              "end;", conn);
              //make these of direction output and you can get values back
    cmd.Parameters.Add("parameterNumber", OracleDbType.Integer).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    cmd.Parameters.Add("parameterVarChar", OracleDbType.VarChar).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    //now you can get the values using something like
    int cNumber = (int)cmd.Parameters("parameterNumber").Value;
    String myString = (String) cmd.Parameters("parameterNumber").Value;

    EDIT 3 aka answer to you comment:

    For usage of the IOracleCustomType-Interface: Again, I couldn't test it as I still don't have access to an Oracle database. However, let's do some magic.

    Step 1: Create a custom type in your C# code which inherits from IOracleCustomType:

    public class MyCustomClass : IOracleCustomType

    Then for each class member you have to specify the Oracle pendant. In the following the name "MyNumber" comes from the custom type specification in your question.

    public virtual int cNumber{get; set;}

    Furthermore you have to override the methods FromCustomObject and ToCustomObject:

    //this one is used to map the C# class-object to Oracle UDT
    public virtual void FromCustomObject(OracleConnection conn, IntPtr object){
        OracleUdt.SetValue(conn, object, "MyNumber", this.cNumber);
    //and this one is used to convert Oracle UDT to C# class
    public virtual void ToCustomObject(OracleConnection conn, IntPtr object){
        this.cNumber = ((int)(OracleUdt.GetValue(conn, object, "MyNumber")));

    Step 2: Create the custom type in Database which you already did. So I will not repeat it here.

    Step 3: Now we are set up. Let's try it:

    //first create your SQL-Statement
    //then set up the database connection
    OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("connect string");
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(statement, conn);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    //execute the thing
    OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    //get the results
        MyCustomClass customObject = new MyCustomClass();
        //get the Object, here the magic happens
        customObject = (MyCustomClass)reader.GetValue(0);
        //do something with your object