I did set up two mosquitto broker with websocket support and am able to connect to them with mqtt.js
Now I tried to implement a fault-prove version with an array of possible mqtt brokers, which should be tried to connect to in order until a successful connection. If a connection fails, the next broker should be tried... so far so good, but if i try to connect to an offline broker, somehow mqtt.js
tries to reconnect endlessly. I am not able to close the connection attempt and connect to the next one.
var client = mqtt.connect("ws://firstbrokerip:9001");
client.on('connect', function() {
//consoleLog("[BROWSER] MQTT js-Client:"," Connected","green");
client.on('offline', function() {
//consoleLog("[BROWSER] MQTT js-Client:", ' Offline',"red");
client = mqtt.connect("ws://secondbrokerip:9001");
Any ideas of how can I close the connection and connect to the next ? (Plz don't care about the custom ConsoleLog function)
You don't need to implement fail over, it's baked into the module:
From the mqtt.js doc (https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js#connect)
You can also specify a servers options with content: [{ host: 'localhost', port: 1883 }, ... ], in that case that array is iterated at every connect.
So you pass the connect
method options object with a key called servers which is an array of brokers to connect to.
client = mqtt.connect({
servers: [
host: 'firstbroker.ip',
port: 9001,
protocol: 'ws'
host: 'secondbroker.ip',
port: 9001,
protocol: 'ws'