I am trying to understand how to use crossfilter with dc.js. I have the following data and I would just like to start by populating a numberDisplay with the total number of objects within the data. Then secondly populating how many records there are for bills losses.
var data = [
"team": "bills",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "away",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "jets",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "jets",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "win"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "loss"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "away",
"outcome": "win"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "home",
"outcome": "win"
"team": "dolphins",
"location": "away",
"outcome": "loss"
DC.JS numberDisplay takes a group but I have not been able to figure out how to simply count the number of records to start with.
var cf = crossfilter(data);
var team = cf.dimension(function(d) { return d.team })
var teams = team.group().reduceCount();
this seems to only return the value for the first key? reduceSum() and groupAll() haven't worked either.
var numberDisplayElem = dc.numberDisplay("#number-display-elem");
Basically just trying to get the total to populate the numberDisplay, and then a single numberBack of filtered values like total bills losses, etc. Having trouble getting started. TIA.
An ordinary crossfilter group has multiple bins based on the key function.
If you want to count all the records without binning them, try using a groupAll instead:
var numRecords = cf.groupAll();
.valueAccessor(x => x);