I am a newbie in Elastic Stack and i am trying the following and i am struck.
I want to render a line chart on the bar chart on same graph. I have been browsing for long time now but could not find any link for this.
In Kibana 5.2, is it possible to create a line chart on bar chart on same graph ? Can someone who has done it in the past confirm if it is feasible ?
if yes, can you share any pointers.
If you want to mix bars and lines it's possible via the Timelion plugin (which is included in Kibana since version 5). Put something like this in the Timelion tab:
And you should be able to see something like:
Now it's just a matter of doing the query you want to plot.
For understanding it in detail, on Timelion tab, on top right corner, you will see a tab - Docs. Once you click on Docs, you will get a link - Go to Tutorial.
Try the link and it walks you through the steps.