I have series with simple integer values. So there is no need to have float numbers as y-axis labels.
I use the axisLabelFormatter
to convert y to integers. But the result is, that I have duplicated integer values on the y-axis.
How can I get a y-axis, which is labeled only with single integers at the correct place?
I would like to have the secondary y-axis with a different grid too
See also the example at https://jsfiddle.net/eM2Mg/9559/.
I have tried your example, modified it and I have got this result
I have modified your code the next way
var graph2 = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("graph2"), data, {
axes: {
y2: {
axisLabelFormatter: function(y) {
return texts[y] || parseInt(y);
drawGrid: true,
independentTicks: true,
pixelsPerLabel: 100,
gridLinePattern: [2,2]
legend: "always",
series: {
"State": {
axis: "y2",
strokeWidth: 2,
stepPlot: true,
strokeWidth: 2,
title: "my try to get what I want"
I have set the option drawGrid and independentLabels to true.
It is necessary to adjust the pixelsPerLabel to the size you think the 3 values auto, on, off are better shown. And the grid patterLine to show a different grid for the right y axis.
You can also remove the drawGrid if you consider it look better without the grid.
I hope this could be a solution for you! Regards!