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In-line R expression returns incorrect value

If the R code in Rmd file reuses the same variable name, the inline r expressions seem to return the last value of this variable regardless of the location of the inline expression. Is there away to avoid this behavior except for making sure the same variable name is not reused in different parts of the document?

The reproducible example

title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook

df <- cars

The dataset has `r nrow(df)` rows.

df <- iris

The dataset has `r nrow(df)` rows.

This produces the following output

enter image description here

I am using: R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

rmarkdown_1.4 knitr_1.15.1


  • The problem is that in your header, you are "previewing" your file, which does not actually run your code from scratch. You have to knit it to HTML to have it run so that your in-line code is correct.

    Problem Header

    title: "R Notebook"
    output: html_notebook

    Solution Header

    title: "R Notebook"
        html_document: default
        html_notebook: default

    Other Notes

    The previous solution has two problems. First, from the RMarkdown documentation, "Inline expressions do not take knitr options" (see end of

    Second, the previous answer's YAML is not formatted properly forcing RStudio to actually knit the file. The proper formatting would generate the same problem you are having

    title: "R Notebook"
        html_notebook: default