I've been a lurker on your forums for some time now, and they have helped me enormously on a variety of issues I've had, so thanks! :D
I'm trying to create my first app for android and it's a card game named shithead that my friends and I used to play often.
I've decided to use a RecyclerView to display your hand. I need to be able to dynamically add buttons (with card images) to the display at runtime. From what I can tell, I need an adapter for this.
Using the handy guide at "https:// guides.codepath.com/android/using-the-recyclerview" and attempting to modify it for my own purposes I've come very close to a test run of making this work. When I run the program on an emulator in Android Studio, it gives me the following display: images displayed as grey rectangles
I feel like I've got to be really close, and I'm simply missing some crucial syntax for working with android or android studio.
In my Card object I build a String idText that correlates to the card images I have saved in my project's mipmap-hdpi, mipmap-xhdpi etc. folders (mipmap-hdpi shown below) mipmap-hdpi folder in Android Studio
public Card(int suitInput, int rankInput)
suit = suitInput;
rank = rankInput;
faceUp = false;
text = RankString[rank] + " of " + SuitString[suit];
idText = "i_" + RankString[rank] + "_of_" + SuitString[suit];
I also have a function getImageId in my Card Class:
public static int getImageId(Context context) {
return context.getResources().getIdentifier("drawable/@+id/" + idText, null, context.getPackageName());
my onBindViewHolder method in my CardAdapter is below:
public void onBindViewHolder(CardAdapter.ViewHolder viewHolder, int position)
//get the data model based on position
Card card = mCards.get(position);
//Set item views baased on views and data model
ImageButton imageButton = viewHolder.cardButton;
TextView textView = viewHolder.cardText;
my MainActivity class does very little as of yet. It initializes one player, me, and a Deck of Card objects. It then gives me 6 cards off the top of the unshuffled deck, AKA 2 - 7 of diamonds. It then initializes the CardAdapter.
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Player me;
Deck deck;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//lookup the recyclerview in activity layout
RecyclerView rvCards = (RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.rvCards);
me = new Player("Dr_StrangeKill");
deck = new Deck();
//create adapter passing in sample user data
CardAdapter adapter = new CardAdapter(this, me.hand);
//Attach the adapter to the recyclerView to populate items
//Set layout manager to position the items
rvCards.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
The Deck, Player, and Card objects all appear to be working as intended insofar as the values of the code are concerned, as the resultant display correctly shows that 'Dr_StrangeKill' has received 2 - 7 of Diamonds, but doesn't show the card images themselves! This is my first time working with images in any IDE (eclipse, visual studio, android studio), and I feel like i'm very close but off in some small but crucial way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I suggest you put your images in a drawable folder because mipmap folder is for launcher icons, if you want to support different screen densities, here's a link that shows you how to create a drawable folder for each screen density, after that you should get your image identifier like this:
context.getResources().getIdentifier(idText, "drawable", context.getPackageName());