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Spring Scheduled tasks: specifying time zone in XML configuration

Is it possible to achieve the time zone setting in XML configuration as done in Java with the following annotation?

@Scheduled(cron = "0 0 8,20 * * *", zone = "GMT-3")

I can't see any other attributes in XML definition, but perhaps there's a workaround for achieving the desired goal.

Sample config:

<task:scheduler id="myScheduler" pool-size="2" />
<bean class="MyClass"
    id="myBean" />
<task:scheduled-tasks scheduler="myScheduler">
    <task:scheduled ref="myBean" method="gprs" fixed-rate="300000" />
    <task:scheduled ref="myBean" method="reporteGpsGprs" cron="0 0 8,20 * * *" />

Current Spring Dependencies:



  • Unfortuanately, looking at the xsd I don't see any other property to define timezone in xml. What you could do is use the ref and method properties to define a factory class that returns the schedule.

    Ref :