I would like to render server sided with react-router and Koa. However I only got it to work if I included the full node build. This is duo to my components requiring sass compiling, image handling and the like.
It would be great if my front end application is pre-compiled and routes and their relative pages rendered to string are obtained from there.
Right now I import routes from a routes.js file which exports the following and with it the uncompiled components:
export default (
<Route path="/" component={Shell}>
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="sub">
<Route path="zero" component={SubZero} />
<Route path="finish" component={Him} />
I will dig through https://github.com/RickWong/react-isomorphic-starterkit
It will probably shine light upon my question.
Edit: Infact it does. Compiling the server.js file which imports routes with webpack will compile into an server file which has all magic (image minifying, sass compiling etc) done.