Search code examples

Search email addresses in ElasticSearch by regexp

How can I search in Elastic by regexp to find email addresses?

I try like that:

  "query": {
    "regexp": {
      "data": {
        "value": "[\\w\\'\\.\\_\\+\\-]+@[\\w]+[\\w\\-\\.]*\\.[\\w]+",
        "flags": "ALL"

But I get nothing.

There written that simbol @ means any symbol and therefore it should to be escaped.

Therefore I try like that:

      "query": {
        "regexp": {
          "data": {
            "value": "\\@",
            "flags": "ALL"

and like that:

          "query": {
            "regexp": {
              "data": {
                "value": "\\@",
                "flags": "ALL"

but I get nothing again.

Any thoughts?

UPDATE I use Elastic Search of 5.2 version on Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS.

Data samples:

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/my_index/index_type/_bulk?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
{"data":"some text some text some text some text admin@company.comsome text some text some text "}
{"data":"some text some text hr@company.comsome text some text "}
{"data":"some text some text webmaster@company.comsome text some text "}

and searching query:

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/my_index/index_type/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
   "query": {
       "regexp": {
          "data": {
            "value": "\\@",
            "flags": "ALL"


  • Use "[a-zA-Z]+@[a-zA-Z]+.[a-zA-Z]+" regexp to find email addresses. Then run the following query find all email address

    GET /company/employee/_search
       "query": {
           "regexp": {
              "data": {
                "value": "[a-zA-Z]+@[a-zA-Z]+.[a-zA-Z]+",
                "flags": "ALL"

    Here company as index, employee as type and data as field name, then insert the following data to check your query works:

    POST /company/employee/_bulk
    {"data":"f23f23f23f23f23 d32d23d32d d32d2 3d 23"} 
    {"data":"d23d32 d32d23d32 d3d23d23"}