I'm pretty new to Java (and first question I ask on Stackoverflow, too) and right now I'm struggling about how to pass some variables values defined in a method to another.
I've done multiple searchs about things like global variables, ArrayList, HashMap, etc, but the only thing that seems to be what I'm searching ( Global variables in Java) let me a little more confused about how to proceed.
I've try to use ArrayList for that, but it haven't work - and I don't know if I can use it for what I want to day anyways...
Here's my code:
public static void creationGuilde(String[] args, Player player, String playerName)
String nomGuilde = args[2];
String message1 = "Votre nouvelle guilde se nommera " + nomGuilde + ".";
TextComponent confirmer = new TextComponent("Cliquez ici pour confirmer");
TextComponent annuler = new TextComponent("cliquez ici pour annuler");
String message2 = confirmer + "OU" + annuler + ".";
confirmer.setClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/creationGuildeConfirmer"));
annuler.setClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.RUN_COMMAND, "/creationGuildeAnnuler"));
private void onPreCreationGuildeCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event)
if (event.getMessage().equals("creationGuildeConfirmer"))
String guilde = CommandeGuilde.creationGuilde(nomGuilde);
event.getPlayer().sendMessage("Félicitations! Vous venez de créer la guilde " +guilde); // <-- Here, trying to get the value of 'guilde' in the 'creationGuilde' method...
What I want to do is from the "onPreCreationGuildeCommand" method, I want to get the 'nomGuilde' value from the "creationGuilde" method to put it on my last sendMessage.
I hope that my question is clear enough. Thanks for helping me on this.
The easiest and probably best solution is to define nonGuilde as global variable.
Code should look like this:
class YourClassName{
//Must be null
//otherwise if you call onPreCreationGuildeCommand before creationGuilde
//you would get error because variable hasn't been initialized
private String nomGuilde = null;
public static void creationGuilde(String[] args, Player player, String playerName){
//set the value
//value will persist outside the method because variable is global
nomGuilde = args[2];
private void onPreCreationGuildeCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event){
// Here you can do anything with variable, for example:
Also my advice to you is to read a bit about variables and their scope(block of code where specific variable is visible) and their lifetime(how long does variable exist in memory)