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Vim using Syntastic plugin 'mpi.h' not found

I'm currently using Vim 7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04. I have the Syntastic plugin installed via pathogen.

I'm currently doing some coding in C using the mpi library. When I write my code using Vim, syntastic seems to believe that there is an error and tells me that "'mpi.h' file not found" (this is for #include <mpi.h>). I know that this program compiles as I'm able to run mpicc successfully.

When I run a locate mpi.h this is what I get back:


How can I get Vim to stop giving me these errors?


  • Create a file .syntastic_cpp_config in your project home folder. Have all your include folders listed in it. In your case,


    Or the other folder with mpi.h, whichever you use in your build.