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Can we have variables in a Yosys script?

I'd like to make my Yosys scripts more DRY by factoring out common parameters, such as in the following example:

read_liberty -lib  /long/path/to/lib/file
dfflibmap -liberty  /long/path/to/lib/file
abc  -liberty   /long/path/to/lib/file

I haven't found a way to declare or de-reference variables, is there any way like in TCL (set lib_file /long/path/to/lib/file) or Bash (export lib_file=/long/path/to/lib/file)?


  • You can use TCL. See yosys -h tcl for details. Run TCL scripts with yosys -c <script_file> (instead of yosys -s <script_file> for native Yosys scripts.)

    I've now added front-end detection for .tcl files in commit b8d7f57. So starting with b8d7f57 you can also use yosys <script_file> to run a TCL script, if <script_file> ends with .tcl.