I would like to use VBA in Excel 2007 to step through about 500 receipts, which have been converted to one large OneNote 2010 notebook. Each notebook tab contains a different receipt. I need to get the pertainant details (Receipt #, Receipt Date, Amount, all of the line item data, tax, etc) out of each and I want to create a sheet in Excel with that data.
The data is semi-structured, meaning that once I find "Order Number" I know there is a space character and then the order number follows. But it might be on different lines or even pushed over, etc. But thats OK. I can write the VBA code, that isnt the problem..
I figured it would be easier than data entry or cheaper than hiring someone to key all this in by hand... I dont want to go the OCR route because I need the accuracy that I think I can get from some sort of Office Automation between Excel and OneNote. I just cant find any example of automation using OneNote 2010 (either from the OneNote side nor the Excel side). Can another point me in the right direction? MSDN has a developer site for Office and OneNote but I must be blind to not see any examples or even an object model!
I don't know of any great resource for doing what you want but the following two articles have some info that might help you get started:
Creating OneNote 2010 Extensions with the OneNote Object Model
What's New for Developers in OneNote 2007 (Part 1 of 2)
To find more information I'd suggest googling for Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote
which should hopefully get you quite a lot of questions of doing it from .Net, which, even it might not be ideal, might at least give you some hints.