Search code examples

How to build multi match query with type set to "phrase_prefix" using Elastic Java Api instead of pure REST

According to the documentation of multi match query ( it is possible to search multi properties by prefix. All you must do is to set parameter "type" to "phrase_prefix". Unfortunately I cannot find that option in Elastic Java Api ( I tried something like:

QueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilders
    .multiMatchQuery("query", "property1", "property2");

but cannot find where to set "type" parameter. I know pure rest is the solution but I'm limited to java api.

I'm using version 5.2.2 of org.elasticsearch.client:transport.


  • You have to add .type(MatchQueryBuilder.Type.PHRASE_PREFIX) to your builder.


    QueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilders
        .multiMatchQuery("query", "property1", "property2")