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How can I define admin role in Loopback 3?

I have this model in customers.json, acls:

"acls": [
  "accessType": "*",
  "principalType": "ROLE",
  "principalId": "$everyone",
  "permission": "DENY"
  "accessType": "READ",
  "principalType": "ROLE",
  "principalId": "admin",
  "permission": "ALLOW",
  "through": "RoleMapping"

And i have this user model base on loopback user:

 "name": "userModel",
 "base": "User",

"relations": {
"roles": {
  "type": "hasMany",
  "model": "Role",
  "foreignKey": "principalId"

I have defined in http://localhost:3000/explorer in RoleMapping:

 "id": "58b82f1dbd7b9f1a601646cf",
 "principalType": "USER",
 "principalId": "58b82ec9bd7b9f1a601646ce",
 "roleId": "5570fb69a1227c8c039293da"

But i always get 401 Unauthorized error when I try to display the customers. I would be very gradefull if someone could help me.


  • Have you set the Token in the Loopback Explorer?

    When you enable the ACL in Loopback you must Login using the end-point /user/login

    {"username":"john", "password": "abc123"}

    Then copy and paste the id from the response into the Token field.