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8086 Assembly Language Program to find GCD of two numbers

Right when it hits " Ret 8" my program stops working. Would anyone be able to tell me why?

Find the GCD of 2 numbers inputted by the user. Keeps looping around till you stop it.

Thanks in advance



    msg1 byte " Enter first number", 0ah, 0dh,0
    msg2 byte " Enter second number",0ah, 0dh,0
    msg3 byte " GCD is ",0ah,0dh,0
    ValA DWORD ?
    ValB DWORD ?


main PROC

            mov edx, offset msg1
            call WriteString
            call ReadDec
            mov ValA,eax

            mov edx, offset msg2
            call WriteString
            call ReadDec
            mov ValB,eax

            mov eax,DWORD ptr[ValA]
            mov ebx,DWORD ptr[ValB]
            push ValB
            push ValA
            call CalcGcd
            call DumpRegs
            call start

    main ENDP

CalcGcd PROC

        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        xor edx,edx
        mov eax, [ebp+8]
        mov ebx, [ebp+12]

        cmp eax,ebx
        JE DONE
        JB EXCH

        div ebx
        cmp edx,0
        JE DONE
        mov eax,ebx
        mov ebx,edx
        JMP L1

        XCHG eax,ebx
        JMP L1

        mov eax,ebx
        mov edx, offset msg3
        call writestring
        call writedec
        ret 8

    CalcGcd ENDP
    END main


  • The code is missing a pop ebp just before the return. The call start will loop over and over until the program runs out of stack space.