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Alternative to DecimalFormat in Android

I'm trying to make a method that receives a double and returns a String formatted with always 2 numbers after the decimal point.

For example:

1990.999 -> "1990.99"

1990.9 -> "1990.90"

I'm developing an app using Android min sdk version 21, so I can't use DecimalFormat. I manage to make something that works like this:

public String currencyFormat(double value) {
        return value < 0
                ? String.format("-" + currencySymbol + "%.02f", value * -1)
                : String.format(currencySymbol + "%.02f", value);

However, the problem here is that if I try for example 1999,369 the result is "1999,37". Is there a way to prevent the round out?


  • You could use this method instead:

    public static String currencyFormat(double value) {
        value = Math.floor(value * 100) / 100; // rounds 'value' to 2 decimal places
        return String.format("%.2f", value); // converts 'value' to string