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Is JSON.stringify() deterministic in V8?

I've not seen (yet?) JSON.stringify to be non-deterministic in Node.JS.

There is no guarantee it to be deterministic on the specification level.

But what about V8; Is its implementation there deterministic? Is there a guarantee for it to remain deterministic for future V8 versions?


With deterministic I mean that following assertion is true no matter what the value of json_str is. (Given the value is a valid JSON string.)

const obj = JSON.parse(json_str);
assert(JSON.stringify(obj)===JSON.stringify(obj)); // always true

Edit 2:

Actually, I'm also interested for the following assertion to be true

if( deepEqual(obj1, obj2) ) {

which is not the case (see answers).


  • To clarify jmrk's answer;

    According to the spec, integer keys are serialized in numeric order and non-integer keys in chronological order of property creation, e.g.;

    var o = {};
    o[2] = 2;
    o.a = 3;
    o.b = 4;
    o["1"] = 1;

    Therefore following assertion is guaranteed to be true

    if( obj1 === obj2 ) {
      assert(JSON.stringify(obj1) === JSON.stringify(obj2));

    but two "deep equal" objects may be serialized into different strings;

    var obj1 = {};
    obj1["a"] = true;
    obj1["b"] = true;
    var obj2 = {};
    obj2["b"] = true;
    obj2["a"] = true;

    Spec quote;

    1. Let keys be a new empty List.
    2. For each own property key P of O that is an integer index, in ascending numeric index order, do

      a. Add P as the last element of keys.

    3. For each own property key P of O that is a String but is not an integer index, in ascending chronological order of property creation, do

      a. Add P as the last element of keys.

    4. For each own property key P of O that is a Symbol, in ascending chronological order of property creation, do

      a. Add P as the last element of keys.

    5. Return keys.
