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Qt programming: How to use custom data type in QVariantMap?

I am writing a Qt app that maps a C++ class to Javascript object in QtWebkit. Firstly let me explain what I am trying to do:

I have a class inherited from QObject:

class myobj : public QObject {

pulbic slots:
    void getData();

And in another class I tried to add myobj instances to QVariantMap:

QVariantMap anotherClass::getObj() {
    myobj* obj1 = new myobj();
    myobj* obj2 = new myobj();

    QVariantMap items;

    items.insert(QString("0"), QVariant(*obj1));
    items.insert(QString("1"), QVariant(*obj2));

    return items;

And then I got the following error:

error: no matching function for call to ‘QVariant::QVariant(myobj&)’

So I tried to add declarations:


But I got:

error: ‘QObject::QObject(const QObject&)’ is private

Any idea about this?


  • Like the compiler said, no constructor of QVariant exists that take a myobj as parameter. Have you tried to use the qVariantFromValue function instead?

    I think this is what you are searching for.