I would like to avoid passing SPARQL queries around as Strings. Therefore I use Jena's API for creating my queries. Now I need a PropertyPath in my query, but I can't find any Java class supporting this. Can you give me a hint?
Here's some example code where I would like to insert this (Jena 3.0.1):
private Query buildQuery(final String propertyPath) {
ElementTriplesBlock triplesBlock = new ElementTriplesBlock();
new Triple(NodeFactory.createURI(this.titleUri.toString()),
//How can I set a property path as predicate here?
final Query query = buildSelectQuery(triplesBlock);
return query;
private Query buildSelectQuery(final ElementTriplesBlock queryBlock) {
final Query query = new Query();
return query;
You can use PathFactory to create property paths
Consider the graph below:
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>.
@prefix ex: <http://example.com/>.
ex:Manager ex:homeOffice ex:HomeOffice
ex:HomeOffice dc:title "Home Office Title"
Suppose you want to create a pattern like:
?x ex:homeOffice/dc:title ?title
The code below achieves it:
//create the path
Path exhomeOffice = PathFactory.pathLink(NodeFactory.createURI("http://example.com/homeOffice"));
Path dcTitle = PathFactory.pathLink(NodeFactory.createURI("http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title"));
Path fullPath = PathFactory.pathSeq(exhomeOffice,dcTitle);
TriplePath t = new TriplePath(Var.alloc("x"),fullPath,Var.alloc("title"));