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Thor - command line option not recognized in method

I have to use this command to run my ruby program:

$ruby filename.rb NAME --from="People" --yell

And I have the script like this:

require 'thor'

class CLI < Thor
  desc "hello NAME", "say hello to NAME"

  method_option :from, :required => true
  method_option :yell, :type => :boolean
  def self.hello(name)
    output = []
    output << "from: #{options[:from]}" if options[:from]
    output << "Hello #{name}"
    output = output.join("\n")
    puts options[:yell] ? output.upcase : output


When I run the code, I get the following output:

c:\RubyWorkplace\Assignment1>ruby testing.rb Jay --from="Ray"
FROM: #<THOR::OPTION:0X000000031D7998>

c:\RubyWorkplace\Assignment1>ruby testing.rb Jay --from="Ray" --yell
FROM: #<THOR::OPTION:0X0000000321E528>

It looks like :yell always works no matter I specify it or not, and options are all read as name input in the hello method.

I found and tried many ways from online tutorials but the problem wasn't solved. Please tell me what has been gone wrong. Thank you!


  • The problem is caused by I am calling CLI.hello ARGV in the script. when the program runs, it will call hello method and recognize all command line inputs as hello's parameter, which is an array.

    One of the ways to fix this problem is making hello public by removing self, the call the script by start method.

    require 'thor'
    class CLI < Thor
      desc "hello NAME", "say hello to NAME"
      method_option :from, :required => true
      method_option :yell, :type => :boolean
      def hello(name)
        #do something
    CLI.start ARGV