I'm using Express with connect-flash.
In validating a form, I am currently using this and it works:
req.flash('old_name', object.name)
req.flash('old_email', object.email)
req.flash('old_age', object.age)
How can I iterate through the properties of the object and flash for each? I'd like to be able to reuse the solution to validate other objects.
Something like:
for (let property in object) {
req.flash('old_' + property, object[property])
_id: 'sjdfoiasdhfaushdfhweuhu',
name: 'Harry',
email: '[email protected]',
age: 45
I figured this out. I think this solution will be pretty specific to Express.js with mongoose:
for (var prop in object._doc) {
if (object._doc.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
req.flash('old_' + prop, object._doc[prop])