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How to make a call of this recursive Longest Increasing Subsequence function

I'm learning about recursion. I have taken as an example the algorithm LIS (Longest increasing subsequence) which given an array:


Find the longest increasing subsequence that would be:


To start with an idea of the operation I was searching on google and I found that function:

public static void printLis (int [] lis, int lisIndex, int [] arr, int max) {
    if (max == 0) {
    if (lis [lisIndex] == max) {
        printLis (lis, lisIndex-1, arr, max-1);
        System.out.print (arr [lisIndex] + "");
    } else {
        printLis (lis, lisIndex-1, arr, max);

How do I call that function in my example, so that I get the indicated results?


  • Above code is not for calculating LIS. Its for printing the LIS elements. Also the snippet contains syntax error.

    Here is a better recursive solution in Java with explanation.

    class LIS {
        static int max_lis_length = 0; // stores the final LIS
        static List<Integer> maxArray = new ArrayList<>();
        // Recursive implementation for calculating the LIS
        static List<Integer> _lis(int arr[], int indx)
            // base case
            if (indx == 0) {
                max_lis_length = 1;
                return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(arr[indx]));
            int current_lis_length = 1;
            List<Integer> currList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i=0; i< indx; i++)
                // Recursively calculate the length of the LIS ending at arr[i]
                List<Integer> subproblemList = _lis(arr, i);
                int subproblem_lis_length = subproblemList.size();
                // Check if appending arr[indx] to the LIS ending at arr[i] gives us an LIS ending at 
                // arr[indx] which is longer than the previously
                // calculated LIS ending at arr[indx]
                if (arr[i] < arr[indx] && current_lis_length < (1 + subproblem_lis_length)) {
                    current_lis_length = 1 + subproblem_lis_length;
                    currList = subproblemList;
            // Check if currently calculated LIS ending at
            // arr[n-1] is longer than the previously calculated
            // LIS and update max_lis_length accordingly
            if (max_lis_length < current_lis_length) {
                max_lis_length = current_lis_length;
                maxArray = currList;
            return currList;
        // The wrapper function for _lis()
        static int lis(int arr[], int n)
            // max_lis_length is declared static above 
            // so that it can maintain its value
            // between the recursive calls of _lis()
            List<Integer> r = _lis( arr, n );
            return max_lis_length;
        // Driver program to test the functions above
        public static void main(String args[]) {        
            int arr[] = {10, 22, 9, 33, 21, 50, 41, 60};
            int n = arr.length;
            System.out.println(lis( arr, n - 1));


    [10, 22, 33, 50, 60]


    The corresponding tree due to this recursion is like this -

            /        |     \
          lis(3)    lis(2)   lis(1)
         /   \        /
       lis(2) lis(1) lis(1)

    The time complexity is exponential. There will be 2^n - 1 nodes will be generated for a n sized array. Plus the space complexity is significant too as we are copying sub-problem's list in function argument. TO overcome this, dynamic programming is used.