I wish to insert a character at a specific position in the string in Erlang.
Eg. Suppose i wish to insert "," in string "123456789" at position 3,5,7.
123456789 ~> 12,34,56,789
Any help Appreciated!! Thanks :)
The following solutions require that the positions list be sorted low to high:
1) To insert a single character string:
insert_test() ->
"a,b" = insert(",", "ab", [2]),
",a" = insert(",", "a", [1]),
"ab" = insert(",", "ab", [3]),
"a,b,c" = insert(",", "abc", [2,3]),
insert([InsertChar], String, Positions) ->
insert(InsertChar, String, Positions, 1, []).
insert(InsertChar, [Char|Chars], [Index|Ps], Index, Acc) ->
insert(InsertChar, Chars, Ps, Index+1, [Char,InsertChar|Acc]);
insert(InsertChar, [Char|Chars], Ps, Index, Acc) ->
insert(InsertChar, Chars, Ps, Index+1, [Char|Acc] );
insert(_, [], _, _, Acc) ->
2) To insert a random length string:
insert_test() ->
"a,b" = insert(",", "ab", [2]),
",a" = insert(",", "a", [1]),
"a--b" = insert("--", "ab", [2]),
"--ab" = insert("--", "ab", [1]),
"a--b--c" = insert("--", "abc", [2,3]),
insert(InsertStr, Str, Positions) ->
insert(InsertStr, Str, Positions, 1, []).
insert(InsertStr, [Char|Chars], [Index|Ps], Index, Acc) ->
insert(InsertStr, Chars, Ps, Index+1, combine(InsertStr, Char, Acc) );
insert(InsertStr, [Char|Chars], Ps, Index, Acc) ->
insert(InsertStr, Chars, Ps, Index+1, [Char|Acc]);
insert(_, [], _, Acc, _) ->
combine_test() ->
",X" = lists:reverse( combine(",", $X, []) ),
"a,X" = lists:reverse( combine(",", $X, "a") ),
"ab--X" = lists:reverse( combine("--", $X, lists:reverse("ab") ) ),
combine([], X, Acc) ->
combine([Char|Chars], X, Acc) ->
combine(Chars, X, [Char|Acc]).