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java.util.Arrays.asList when used with removeIf throws UnsupportedOperationException

I am preparing for an OCPJP 8 exam for the next 2 months and currently I this one got my attention as I dont understand why

public class BiPredicateTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BiPredicate<List<Integer>, Integer> containsInt = List::contains;
        List<Integer> ints = java.util.Arrays.asList(1,20,20);
        System.out.println(containsInt.test(ints, 20));
        BiConsumer<List<Integer>, Integer> listInt = BiPredicateTest::consumeMe;
        listInt.accept(ints, 15);
    public static void consumeMe(List<Integer> ints, int num) {
        ints.removeIf(i -> i>num);

this clearly is going to compile OK! but when you run it you will see the exception like this


C:\Users\user\Documents>java BiPredicateTest
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
        at java.util.AbstractList.remove(
        at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.remove(
        at java.util.Collection.removeIf(
        at BiPredicateTest.consumeMe(
        at BiPredicateTest.main(

I need some help here to understand why the asList method is not working with removeIf? i assume it will return an instance of ArrayList which implements removeIf method!.

Any answer will be appreciated.


UPDATE: April 16,2022 The error is not happening anymore even you use the java.util.Arrays.asList, what I notice is that

  • the latest java 1.8* implementation is not using internal ArrayList class anymore but the class under java.util package.
  • the List interface also has default implementation now.


  • java.util.Arrays.asList() produces a list from which it is impossible to remove elements, so it throws on a removal attempt.

    You could wrap it with ArrayList:

    List<Integer> ints = new java.util.ArrayList<>(java.util.Arrays.asList(1,20,20));


    Arrays.asList() returns return new ArrayList<>(a); where ArrayList is not java.util.ArrayList, but java.util.Arrays.ArrayList (internal class), which does not allow removal.