I'm trying to use Reflection in java to
instantiate a Player with a Command Pattern likes below :
There is only one 'execute' method in a Command class,
And the InitiatePlayerCommand as its name , it will instantiate a
subclass of Player according to the playerClass passed in the constructor.
I have two kind of subclass of Player class : HumanPlayer and AiPlayer for polymorphism.
I expect it will instantiate one of them subclass and add into the playerList
but I have no idea what is the best way to reach this with Reflection. It always occurs a typecast error .
public class InitiatePlayerCommand implements Command{
private List<Player> playerList;
private String name;
private WarMode warMode;
private Class<?> playerClass;
public <T extends Player> InitiatePlayerCommand(String name, WarMode mode ,List<Player> list
,Class<T> playerClass){
this.name = name;
this.warMode = mode;
this.playerList = list;
this.playerClass = playerClass;
public void execute() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
Player player = (Player) playerClass.newInstance();
public static void main(String[] argv){
List<Player> playerList = new ArrayList<Player>();
new InitiatePlayerCommand("Johnny",WarMode.MILITARY,playerList,HumanPlayer.class)
.execute(); // this line get an error HumanPlayer.class isn't compatible to Class<T extends Player> playerClass
Is there any way to reach this without using Class<?>
You should consider using a Supplier<T>
, which is a no-arg function that returns an object.
In this case, your Supplier
might be defined like this:
Supplier<Player> playerSupplier = () -> new HumanPlayer();
You can then use it like this:
public void execute() {
Player player = playerSupplier.get();