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Opencart issue with response cookies when add to cart button is clicked

Opencart: v.1.5.6
Languages: en (English), el (Greek)
Default language: el (Greek)
vQmods: A lot
Modules: A lot

On my category lists of products & in product's page, when I click on Add to Cart I get a Response Cookies > language: el although I am in the english version of the e-shop. Have a look at the image

Opencart issue with response cookies when add to cart button is clicked

That response cookie messes up the (language) content of mini-cart.

Could someone explain what's that response cookie?
Could someone point out what kind of modification should I look for?


    1. I deleted all the .xml files in /vqmod/xml/ except from vqmod_opencart.xml.
    2. I added one by one the deleted .xml files and test the e-Shop.
    3. I have found that /vqmod/xml/seo_mega_pack.xml (SEO Mega KIT) was causing all this mess.

    Inside Opencart's dashboard go to...

    Dashboard > Modules > SEO Mega KIT PLUS > Settings > Language > (uncheck) Change the language to the default after opening the main URL