I'm making a call to Square using web api Android. The response of the transaction gives me CLIENT_TRANSACTION_ID
. I want to know other information like transaction amount and the change as well as I can see in receipt email. I can't see how to give S.com.squareup.register.REQUEST_METADATA
a value while firing an intent so that i can have S.com.squareup.register.RESULT_REQUEST_METADATA
in response. Also what are the optional values we can give to square api against this key. The code is below
<a href="intent:#Intent;action=com.squareup.register.action.CHARGE;package=com.squareup;S.browser_fallback_url=https://2f857915.ngrok.io/square_callback;S.com.squareup.register.WEB_CALLBACK_URI=https://2f857915.ngrok.io/square_callback;S.com.squareup.register.CLIENT_ID=sq0idp-6Lo2W9zX8K9b08zKxmfUtw;S.com.squareup.register.API_VERSION=v1.3;i.com.squareup.register.TOTAL_AMOUNT=100;S.com.squareup.register.CURRENCY_CODE=USD;S.com.squareup.register.TENDER_TYPES=com.squareup.register.TENDER_CARD,com.squareup.register.TENDER_CARD_ON_FILE,com.squareup.register.TENDER_CASH,com.squareup.register.TENDER_OTHER;end;">Charge With Square</a>
I want to have information about this payment so that can be used in my application. For example payment done, payment currency, taxes etc.
You'll need to use the Retrieve Transaction endpoint to turn that ID into additional information. Note, you should only get CLIENT_TRANSACTION_ID
if you do not process a card, and if you process a card payment, you should get back a SERVER_TRANSACTION_ID