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How to specify a default user agent for okhttp 2.x requests

I am using okhttp 2.0 in my Android app and didn't find a way to set some common User Agent for all outgoing requests.

I thought I could do something like

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

...but there's no such method or similar. Of course I could provide some extension utility method which would wrap a RequestBuilder to attach .header("UserAgent") and then I would use it for building all my requests, but I thought maybe I missed some existing and simpler way?


  • You can use an interceptor to add the User-Agent header to all your requests.

    For more information about okHttp interceptors see

    Example implementation of this interceptor:

    /* This interceptor adds a custom User-Agent. */
    public class UserAgentInterceptor implements Interceptor {
        private final String userAgent;
        public UserAgentInterceptor(String userAgent) {
            this.userAgent = userAgent;
        public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
            Request originalRequest = chain.request();
            Request requestWithUserAgent = originalRequest.newBuilder()
                .header("User-Agent", userAgent)
            return chain.proceed(requestWithUserAgent);

    Test for the UserAgentInterceptor:

    public void testUserAgentIsSetInRequestHeader() throws Exception {
        MockWebServer server = new MockWebServer();
        server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("OK"));;
        String url = server.getUrl("/").toString();
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
        client.networkInterceptors().add(new UserAgentInterceptor("foo/bar"));
        Request testRequest = new Request.Builder().url(url).build()
        String result = client.newCall(testRequest).execute().body().string();
        assertEquals("OK", result);
        RecordedRequest request = server.takeRequest();
        assertEquals("foo/bar", request.getHeader("User-Agent"));